Douglass North lectures to the workshop on understanding the process of economic change.
Faculty member Elizabeth Farina reads Danny Claro's abstract while José Savoia looks on.
Following an intense work session, participants and faculty relax at a coffee break, enjoying the hospitality of the School of Economics, Business
and Accounting at the University of São Paulo.
Lee Alston, Rosana Gonçalves, and Mary Shirley explore aspects of New Institutional Economics before a seafood dinner in a family-owned Paulista restaurant.
Douglass North meets after his lecture with participant Hildo de Souza Filho and Frederico Faccioli, assistant for the workshop. (Decio Zylbersztajn was the coordinator; Christiane Leles Rezende and Matheus Marino also assisted.)
As participants celebrate their workshop
graduation, Wladimir Zanoni and Hernan Palau
demand that Marcia Moraes tell the group:
"What is your question?"