To facilitate the exchange of information among researchers in institutional analysis, a research board is offered here experimentally. If you would like to get in contact with other researchers concerning data sources, relevant literature, for discussion or possible collaboration on a project, you can submit a request. To respond to someone else's request, please e-mail that individual directly.
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Project topic (15 words or less) | Spatial focus | Time focus | Seek data | Seek lit | Seek to discuss | Name | E-mail address | Workshop graduate? | Date of request |
Tools for institutional analysis | India | Current | Y | Y | Y | Prof. Yasmeen Pathan | | N | 15Oct2015 |
The Coase Dividend implements Nash Equilibrium between “risk seeking” and “risk averse” investors | Equity markets in North America, Europe, and China | 2013 and forward | Y | N | N | Ernst Goetze | | N | 2April2013 |
Impact of property rights on forest management and benefits distribution among users, North Kordofan, Sudan | Sudan, Africa, and the rest of the world | All periods that important for sake of my PhD | Y | Y | Y | Tarig Tagelsir Hassan Musa | | N | 27Sep2012 |
Institutions for lagoon fishery management: transaction cost analysis of access rights to fisheries and management | Fisheries of South India | Last two decades | Y | Y | N | Rosewine Joy | | N | 1Feb2012 |
Variations in levels of innovation across countries and their association with rules of the game | Worldwide | 1900 to present | Y | Y | Y | Lee & Alexandra Benham | | N | 22Dec2011 |
Design of public policies of water sector - equity and efficiency: the universalization of access in Brazil | Latin America, focusing on Brazil | August - November 2008 | Y | Y | Y | José Antonio Batista de Moura Ziebarth | or | N | 23Jul2008 |
Strategies for improvement of research and development investment in pharmaceutical sector: neglected third world diseases | Any | One month | Y | Y | Y | Joseph George | | N | 14Sep2006 |
The impact of contract structure and design in smallholder organically certified groups | Any | Any | Y | Y | Y | Lawrence Gadzikwa | | N | 21Aug2006 |
Comparison of information transaction costs (time and money) in organizations with software-intensive information infrastructures: free x proprietary software | Brazil | Current | Y | Y | Y | Marcus V. B Soares | | N | 29Mar2006 |
Institutions of private sector development in poverty reduction: the case of urban informality | Bolivia | Current | Y | Y | Y | Eliana Quiroz | | N | 27Feb2006 |
Open source economic model for small business: using Linux model to integrate elements external to the value chain | North America | 2000 - 2004 | Y | Y | Y | William Eastman | | N | 24Jun2005 |
Conceptualizing and empiricizing transaction costs in the emerging market for carbon emissions reduction credits | World | Current | Y | Y | Y | Camille Antinori | | N | 8Feb2005 |
A general theory of social institutions | World | Current | N | Y | Y | Irit Haviv-Segal | | N | 28Jul2004 |
Contractual hazards in hybrid organizational relations especially involving technology transfers | International | Y | Y | Francis Xavier | | N | 18Mar2004 | ||
Measuring transaction costs (transaction service sector) from household surveys | Latin America and Caribbean | 1990s to current | N | Y | Y | Namsuk Kim | | N | 7Nov2003 |
Transaction costs (time and money actually spent) to obtain visas to various countries | World | Current | Y | Y | Y | Lee & Alexandra Benham | | Fac | 20Sept2003 | ![]() |
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1. Project topic (15 words or less)
2. Spatial/geographical focus
3. Time focus
4. Do you seek data or data sources? (Y=yes)
5. Do you seek references or access to relevant literature? (Y=yes)
6. Do you seek to discuss your project or possibly collaborate with others? (Y=yes)
7. Your name
8. Your E-mail address
9. Are you an RCI workshop graduate? (Not required; Y=yes)
10. Date of submitting this request